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Demagogues and dictators: what is Bonapartism?

Demagogues and dictators: what is Bonapartism?

In Defence of Marxism

Friday, 12 April 2024 


Demagogues and dictators: what is Bonapartism?

The deepening crisis of capitalism is causing immense political instability across the world. In this context, a rise in the number of ‘authoritarian’ and ‘populist’ governments has provoked much discussion over the rise of ‘strongman’ politics. But what exactly does this mean? In this article, Ben Gliniecki considers the nature of the capitalist state and the concept of ‘Bonapartism’, as developed by Marx, in order to answer this question and provide a perspective for the impact of the class struggle on politics today.


The African Revolution – new issue of "In Defence of Marxism" magazine out now!

Issue 45 of In Defence of Marxism magazine, the quarterly theoretical journal of the International Marxist Tendency, is available to order now! This issue focuses on the revolutionary struggles of the people of the African continent, the crimes of imperialism, and the lessons of the anti-colonial struggles of the postwar period.

Türkiye yerel seçimleri: Sınıf mücadelesi yükselirken Erdoğan acı bir yenilgiyi tattı

31 Mart Pazar günü Türk kitleleri, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'a 20 yıldan uzun bir süre önce iktidara gelmesinden bu yana en büyük seçim yenilgisini tattırdı. Pek coşku uyandırmayan bu yerel seçimler, burjuva muhalefetinden ziyade Erdoğan'a karşı bir oy du. Yine de bu seçimler, Erdoğan'ın otoritesini yıpratan bir öfke fırtınasının belirtisidir. Erdoğan'ın günleri sayılı olabilir.


Escuela Mundial de Comunismo: ¡las listas de lectura ya están disponibles!

En el mes de junio, comunistas revolucionarios de todo el mundo se reunirán en Italia para fundar una nueva Internacional Comunista Revolucionaria (ICR), como bandera para organizar a los comunistas para la revolución socialista mundial. Tú también puedes participar inscribiéndote en línea. Pero para participar plenamente, te pedimos algo: que te prepares políticamente para el evento. Hemos preparado listas de lectura para las 15 sesiones. Pero antes queremos responder a una pregunta: pretendemos que esta Internacional se convierta en un partido mundial de acción revolucionaria. ¿Por qué necesitamos una lista de lectura?